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Posts by greenjam
Throughout the civilized world, casinos have become a bastion for adult entertainment and gratuitous spending. As enjoyable and profitable as they are, casinos are now taking the unprecedented steps of becoming eco-friendly, doing their part to ensure the future of the planet.
While some criticize the attempts as too little to...
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Dubai, the second largest state in the United Arab Emirates has been making a name for itself through a series of mega real estate developments that has transformed itself from a small desert port into a thriving and sparkling international metropolis. Under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai...
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The southernmost continent is a land of such extreme weather that it is supremely inhospitable to members of the human race. Mankind has only inhabited this dangerous and mysterious land for little over a century and it isn’t the first destination that comes to mind when most people think of vacationing in nature. For those with...
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Skiing is one of the most popular winter sports. However, with the worry about pollution nowadays it also tends to be a bit more difficult to keep the environment clean while enjoying yourself on the slopes. Recently though, certain ski resorts have begun initiating schemes to help reduce the damage done, but not the...
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The call of the white powder and the rush of plunging down the mountain is what draws skiers to the cold temperatures of winter sports, but this does not mean that skiers and snowboarders are not ecologically minded. Many skiers on their winter Group ski holidays are taking advantage of resorts with renewable energy sources like...
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