The Impact Of Air Conditioning On Your Bill & Why You Should Go Solar
I recently had a nasty surprise on my energy bill. My usual small bill of $220 a quarter jumped to a whopping $400. Quite steep. My initial reaction was that it was likely due to the carbon tax but quickly realised that, despite it being winter I had my air con running a LOT. (It gets stuffy and air conditioning in Brisbane is basically an all year round necessity, so sue me). The increase was not budgeted for so I had a major problem!
I crunched some numbers and realised that if I went solar, if the cost of the air con was calculated, the ROI on solar would come within 5 years! That is solar that would suffice for us. Increasing electricity prices would bring the full ROI date forward even. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Anyway I hit up a company called Rafkia Solar and Electrical who hooked me up with an affordable solution. Now I feel better about myself and look forward to the date I can say it pays for itself.